Minutes of the HEC/FCAL Testbeam Analysis Meeting from 18.3.99. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. HEC: hec_adc software plans (M. Lefebvre) Michel presented the plans for the near future. For the start up the version 3.7 will be available, the main modifications will be due to the new geometry and new calibration constants. The work towards version 4.0 is progressing. 2. HEC: Update on Pion results and Comparison with MC (A. Minaenko) Andrej presented the layout of the LARG note in preparation. Both data sets, the april data as well as the august data, have been reanalyzed using identical methods. The energy resolution for electrons is for both periods comparable (only slightly worse in august), but the linearity is in august somewhat worse (+- 1% instead of +- 0.5 %). In particular the calibration does not seem to give an improvement with respect to uncalibrated data. Further checks of the calibration constants for august are required. The absolute energy calibration for electrons differs by 2 % for the two run periods on average. To study the effects of non-linearity in august, a comparison for individual energy points will be done in the near future. The energy resolution for pions has been corrected for leakage using MC data. This correction is rather independent of the hadronic shower MC chosen. The sampling term obtained thus for the energy resolution is about 70 % and the constant term 4 %. GCALOR yields values which are closest to the experimental data: 63 % for the sampling term and 3.7 % for the constant term. In the prediction of the absolute pion signal, the different MC models (GCALOR, GFLUKA, GHEISHA) yield different results. This is in contrast to the relative longitudinal shower shape, where the agreement between the data and all three hadronic shower codes is rather good. Selecting individual phi-strips for the pion data of varying (x-scan) impact points yields a sensitive method to study the lateral shower shape. The variation by more than 3 orders of magnitude (shower tail) is reproduced by all three shower codes, even though smaller differences are present (at the 20 % level??). Finally the e/h intrinsic ratio has been extracted from the data, using the energy variation of the measured e/pi ratio. Again, correcting for the leakage (5 %) has a strong impact on the result. GHEISHA is in good agreement with the data, a fact that needs further studies: from the energy resolution GCALOR is expected to be closer to the data. 3. HEC: Pion results: Comparison with MC, Analysis and Notes Plans: (M. Lefebvre) Michel presented an update of the Victoria results. Three notes (HEC) are in preparation: results on noise studies, on the e/h response and on a comparison of pion data with MC. The noise distributions have been studied in detail, the fraction of correlated noise is clearly visible (at the level of 20 %). A first comparison of the pion data with MC confirms the good agreement between data and GCALOR with respect to the energy resolution. 4. HEC: Update on Muon Results (M. Levitsky) Andrej Minaenko presented the results from Mikhail. The pulse height distribution of the total deposited muon signal is well reproduced by the MC data. This holds actually for four orders of magnitude! The e/muon ratio (120 GeV) has been determined: 0.86 +- 0.03 for april and 0.82 +- 0.03 for august. These results differ from the previous Victoria results (which were in excellent agreement with MC predictions!). Further checks are required to understand better the systematic error related to the quoted numbers. Mikhail and Michel will do a detailed comparison of the two studies done. 5. HEC: Status of MC Simulation for the Module 0 (A. Kiryunin) Andrej gave an update on the ntuple structure of the MC data. First results for the horizontal scan have been given. The total energy deposited differs by typically 5 % - 7 % between the three hadronic shower codes (GHEISHA, GCALOR, GFLUKA) Using the pion data of the lateral scan, details of the hadronic shower can be extracted: the difference between the three models is at the level of 10 % in the tails of the shower. The effects of the crack between the two modules are clearly visible, the total deposited energy drops by typically 20 % in the center, the energy resolution is degraded (typically 50 % worse for pions at 120 GeV, simulated with GCALOR). 6. HEC: Discussion on NIM paper layout A small editorial group has continued the discussion started at the meeting. A first draft of the layout proposed and the tasks assigned to the individual groups have been distributed in a separate e-mail. The time scale for a first draft is the next meeting in may. 7. HEC: Discussion on the TDR Draft The editorial group continued the discussion started at the meeting. A few figures have to be redone, references will be added. The time scale for the update is extremely tight!