Dubna report M. Kazarinov 17.5.1999 Dear colleagues, this is a report for a period 1 - 17 of May (you know that we had ten days holydays during this period) 1. Long term test was finished on 15.05 Leakage current at 2.0kV 30% humidity 40% humidity for full stack 105nA 390nA 2. We have got the second load of padboards from a custom store on 14.05 (almost 2 months for formalities) 3. Copper plates for the mod #18 will be ready at the end of May 4. We hope to get ready padboards and EST electrodes at the same time (after 2 weeks of HV test) 5. Rough facing and boundary cut for Mod #19,20 are in progress 6. People started to work on the new US baths 7. We need around 2 weeks for the improvements of our clean room (a new heater and ventilator should be installed) 8. We need a information concerning passivation. Either we do it or not. We hope that this question can be solved at the general HEC meeting. 9. We faild to find a material for the shims. The leader of our workshop informed us today that it is not possible to find it in Russia for a reasonable price. 10. We hope to bring our module to CERN in time (7.06) but have some problems with transportation for a moment partly financial. Nobody from Dubna can give a status report at the general HEC meeting, you can use this information as its written version.