HEC Meeting 08.07.99 Module construction at "Molniya" and IHEP S.Denisov, V.Koloskov, A.Krjutchkov 1. Copper plates and SS pieces for two rear modules have been produced in "Molniya" and transported to MPI for evaluation of quality and assembly. 2. During the copper absorber production the main dimensions were under careful control. For example, absorber thickness was measured at 8 points. For each plate rms deviation sigma_p from average thickness t_mean was calculated. The parameters of sigma_p distribution for 34 produced plates are: Mean value = 0.14E-01 mm, RMS = 0.68E-02 mm. The parameters of (t_mean-t_0) distribution (t_0=25 or 50 mm) are: Mean value = 0.31E-01 mm, RMS = 0.30E-01 mm. The spread of (t_mean-t_0) for 33 plates of 34 is well within the 100 micron tolerance and ranges from -50 to +70 microns. 3. To compensate the spread of absorbers in thickness 5 groups of spacers were produced with a step of 10-20 mc. In documents sent with absorbers there are recommendations what group should be used with the given plate. 4. Production of 3-d and 4-th modules is in progress. 12 plates have been cleaned and packed already. We expect to have all absorbers and SS parts ready in 3-4 weeks. Production of 5-th and 6-th modules just started: 18 plates were cut, 6 of them were preliminary machined. 5. Module production in "Molniya" will be stopped when 3-d and 4-th modules are completed and will be continued in September. Thus absorbers and steel parts for 5-th and 6-th modules is expected to be ready at the end of October or beginning of November. 6. Fabrication of the stainless steel items of the support structures for two HEC2 modules which must be produced at IHEP for MPI in the framework of the ATLAS Arg. 36/99 will be started in July, machining of the copper plates - at the end of August (provided we shall not meet big custom problems). 7. The dust free stacking site is close to completion, but not finished yet, though we planned to do it by July. The main reason for this is the lack of manpower in the summer months. 7.1. The building body is fully constructed with exception of internal doors, which will be made and installed in two weeks. 7.2. The air conditioning system is under assembling and will be switched on for testing in a week. All components and materials are in stock. 7.3. One stacking table will be ready in a week, the fabrication of the second is temporary postponed in order to start fabrication of the vacuum box for drying HC mats. The storage for copper plates in the stacking site is under construction. According to revised plan all works will be fiished by the end of July. 8. New ISTC Proposal to continue HEC module construction in "Molniya" is under preparation. In the case of approval 7 additional modules will be produced in "Molniya" in 2000-01.