Minutes of the HEC/FCAL Testbeam Analysis Meeting from 21.10.99. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Status of the hec_adc code. (M. Lefebvre) Michel presented the status of the hec_adc version 3.8. The monitoring has been improved. The understanding of the TDC timing is substantially better (see note HEC-083). Digital filtering weights from the Mainz group and from Pavol have been implemented. Further improvements with respect to timing/calibration/weights are in progress. 1. Status of the Calibration 99 (E. Marschalkowski) Eric presented the status of the calibration data analysis from the Mainz group. The t0 is not constrained from the fit, but in an iterative procedure defined. In the calibration pulse shape the clock feed thru is taken into account. The transfer function is based on the expected preamplifier and shaper response. The t0 values obtained show quite some variation, in particular a strong layer dependence. This is to some extent expected, but small deviations in the pulse shape description (full dynamic range, residual cross talk) could yield a t0 variation as well. This has also some impact on the precision of the amplitude reconstruction. Further studies are in progress. 1. Status of the Calibration 99 (P. Strizenec) P.S. presented the results from Pavol. The response function used takes the full electronic chain into account (including actual cable lenghts). The parameters in the shape function are driven by theoretical expectations, in the final fit only 2 parameters (t0 and amplitude) are used. It turns out that even though the pulse shape fits in general rather well, for some channels further improvements are required. Partially this is due to a different response of the preshaper/shaper/linedriver on the FEB board with respect to expectations. Comparing the june with the august data, Pavol sees a substantial improvement with respect to the noise performance. A few channels (one side of one module) show some noise in the region of the signal only. 1. Electron/Muon Ratio for the 98 Data (M. Dobbs) Matt presented the latest status of our understanding of the e/muon ratio for the 98 data. He compared in detail the different approaches (Victoria, Protvino), in particular the different methods to unfold the noise in the muon signal. Both analysis are in agreement, yielding typically an e/muon ratio of 1.03-1.05 for 120 GeV muons. 1. First Look at Muon Data 99 (M. Levitsky) Matt presented the preliminary results from Mikhail. The muon response seems to be lower by about 100 nA with respect to 98. The signal to noise ratio is (3.7,4.2) for (120,200) GeV muons. The position scans show clearly the effects of the tierods and module cracks. 1. First Look at Electron and Pion Data 99 (D. Fortin) M.L. presented the preliminary results from Dominique. Based on the raw ADC data (no calibration) the response and the resolution for electrons is as expected: sampling term of typically 20.5%. The pion contamination in the high energy electron data has been studied and has only a small impact. 1. FCAL Module 0 Test Beam Results: Muon X Ray (A. Savine) J.R. presented the results from Sasha. The high statistics muon data allow for a detailed study of the response not only of the readout channels, but also the groups of tubes or individual tubes. Individual muon tracks (which cover essentially the whole detector) are used to obtain the related passlength and the geometrical information required. Thus particular HV problems or signal transmission problems can be located and feedback on hardware performance is obtained.