21.10.99 A.Komar REMARKS TO THE PROBLEMS OF FUTURE EST BOARD PRODUCTION (LPI group, Moscow) 1. LPI received in mid-September a large party of DuPont kapton from CERN (about 6500 m) sufficient to produce (anew) all EST boards for HEC. 2. LPI produced (up to 10.10.99) 114 EST boards from DuPont kapton with the OLD sizes of the holes. After 10.10.99 production process was stopped. Examination of the produced boards showed that the dielectric properties of DuPont kapton is very good. During HV testing the observed leakage currents were on the level 3-4 nA. 3. The most acute problem now is certainly determination of the relative shrinkage EST boards with respect to Cu plate: a) for EST boards produced from DuPont kapton (to realize this task LPI has brought to this meeting 2 boards for TRIUMF and 2 boards for MPI) b) for EST boards produced from GTS kapton at TRIUMF 4. Preliminary estimate of the relative shrinkage can be done using table values of thermal expansion coefficients for Cu and polyimide (PI) at room temperature(!): K(Cu)=1.67*10-5 mm/mm/K; K(PI)=3.5*10-5 mm/mm/K; then RELATIVE SHRINKAGE = 6 mm If one takes into account that thermal expansion coefficient for Cu decreases, when temperatures become lower (~100K), whereas it is not the case (to our knowledge) for PI, then relative shrinkage becomes even larger: RELATIVE SHRINKAGE = ~8 mm But all these estimates are valid for pure kapton, not sandwich CLK-glue-PI-glue-CLK 5. In view of the new facts (appearance of tears in the guard zones of holes in cold) the opinion was expressed that LPI should change its technique of making holes in EST boards FROM CUTTING TO PUNCHING From LPI point of view enlarging sizes of the oval holes completely solves the problem. Different quality of hole borders (if any) in various technique in this case is NOT critical issue. HOLE BORDERS SIMPLY WOULD NOT TOUCH SPACERS IN COLD. 6. Changing from cutting to punching at LPI is not an easy procedure. a) Existing templates are not adjusted for punching and should be rebuilt. To rebuild templates one should know exact sizes and construction of punches. All this costly and time consuming procedure. b) Punching should be done against some plastic material (Plexiglas or similar).In case of using at LPI semi-dry (and slightly STICKY) glue punching could be the source of serious danger to the quality EST boards. Tiny particles of plastic material arising at punching CAN STICK TO THE GLUE AND THEN GO UNDER CLK FOIL. (remark of A.Snesarev) c) Possible displacement in punch positions used with LPI tooling can lead to inaccuracy in the size of the holes even larger than during cutting procedure. 7. Any discussion of changing technique of the hole manufacturing at LPI should carefully account for all mentioned difficulties.