------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Warm/Cold acceptance tests of modules arriving at CERN | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Modified scenario: we DO NO LONGER cold test the PSB boards with the module: a fixed number of PSB boards will be used for the module testing. The PSB boards, which have been already all cold tested in MPI, will stay there until the wheel assembly. Each module is accompanied by a 'traveller'. Here all important informations along the module assembly and QC testing are documented (comments,measurements, warnings,requests for additional tests,storage place,transportation damage...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Tests prior to mounting of the PSB boards, after module arrival | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.Check g-sensors and humidity sensors 2.Check torque of all tie-rods --> adjust First tests should be done with the rear modules - if these tests are really necessary. For the front modules the first plate would have to be dismounted! 3.Mechanical 'Go-No Go' test: use special template(s) of outer (inner) connecting bar (--> Roy). 4.Test connection of all HV lines from HV-patch panel to HV strip line connectors. Disconnect HV connectors and measure R between corresponding 2 lines, compare with measurement at home lab. 5.HV test: ground all signal lines at PSB connector, HV = 1.5 kV 6.Capacity measurement: all PSB input lines: compare with 'standard' values. Acceptance window +- 5 % ??? (has to be < 1/16, 1/8) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Mount PSB boards | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Place module into cryostat (if beamposition, rotate) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.Do HV Test (1.5 kV) 8.Do full warm calibration: a) test of correct cabling calib. line <-> readout channel b) verify that all channels are operational (OK for test) c) measure noise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Cool down, fill LAr | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.Do HV Test (1.8 kV) 10.Do full cold calibration: a) Do a calibration shape test: any deviation should signal bad cabling (calibration or signal) - deviation from 50 ohm, etc. ----> this test has yet to be defined and tested!!!!! b) compare gain of each readout channel for each calibration line (25 % effect if PA is dead) with PSB lab. measurement value. c) measure noise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Warm Up | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.Do full warm calibration: a) verify that all channels are operational (OK for next test) b) measure noise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Remove PSB boards | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12.Do HV Test (1.5 kV) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Preparation for module storage | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13.Shipping frame box beam checked to be free of lose material 14.Shipping frame: all holes plugged and inspected 15.Re-unite shipping frame/module 16.Bolts between module and shipping frame in place and tight 17.Stabilizer bars on, bolts checked 18.Connection bar on, torques checked 19.Module ready for insertion in wheel (list any shortcomings if not) 20.Module double wrapped and sealed with desiccant and humidity indicator. 21.Transport module to storage area, note storage place ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Summary File of Mechanical Acceptance test ---> to be stored in HEC | | General data Base | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date/Time Module# Test Crew Status g-sensors Status humidity sensors Any damage observed? ---> Comment Acceptance Test Passed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Summary file of Calibration ---> to be stored in General HEC Data Base | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For each 'Subchannel' (i.e. group of 4 PA's) store: example....: Header: ______________________________________________________________________________ Date/Time Warm/Cold Module# Cryo-Temperature Cryo-Pressure HV status Test-Crew Comments _______________________________________________________________________________ ADC# 1 Pad P1a PSB-type 1 PSB number ... gain xxx [kOhm] noise yyy [nA] auto-corr. 1 auto-corr. 2 auto-corr. 3 auto-corr. 4 nonlinearity shape quality _______________________________________________________________________________ ADC# 1 Pad P1b PSB-type 1 PSB number ... gain xxx [kOhm] noise yyy [nA] auto-corr. 1 auto-corr. 2 auto-corr. 3 auto-corr. 4 nonlinearity shape quality ______________________________________________________________________________ .... .. . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | For each HV Test: ----> Record: --> to be stored in General HEC Data Base | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date/Time Module# Test Crew HV [kV] Humidity Temperature Comment HV Status HV1: current HV2: current HV3: current HV4: current HV5: current HV6: current HV7: current HV8: current ...to be repeated after: 0,10,30,60,120 minutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | What to do if a given test fails.......... | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.HV resistance not OK: fix problem, remeasure, if OK --> test passed 2.PA channel dead: replace PSB board. No QC item for module test. 3.HV problem (warm/cold): if problem can be DEFINITELY IDENTIFIED (e.g.piece of conducting material at the edge), fix problem + repeat HV test, if OK ----> test passed IF HV problem disappears in warm and was present in cold ---> test failed. Redo cold test, if again same problem shows up ----> unstack 4.ANY OTHER problem: Note on traveller, ask 'QC acceptance subgroup' if module can be accepted or not! ****************************************************************************** For further discussion a group has been set up: Chekulaev, Kazarinov, Oram, Schacht, Snessarev, Langstaff ---> get final proposal ******************************************************************************