H.Oberlack / P.Schacht 17.3.2000 A T L A S H A D R O N I C E N D C A P _______________________________________ G E N E R A L M E E T I N G ____________________________ D a t e : Wednesday, 5.4.2000 P l a c e : CERN I, Bldg.40 T i m e : 9:00 h - 12:30 h / Room RD - 10 14:00 h - 17:00 h / Room RB - 10 _____________________________________________________________________________ Following the approval of the combined EMEC - HEC run by INTAS and by the LARG community, we call for the first meeting of the EMEC and HEC groups carrying the project. The goal of the meeting is to introduce the present set-up of the EMEC and HEC test-beams as far as relevant for the combined run in these areas: -- Module set-up -- Front-end electronics and cabling -- DAQ, monitoring and trigger -- Data analysis and simulation -- Slow control In each field the relevant active and knowledgeable persons should be identified and working groups be formed. It would be ideal if most of these people would attend the meeting. We aim for a first approach to working solutions in the different fields. The tasks of the working groups should be discussed. Iterations and improvements should then be made within the working groups. This work should carry on over the next few months. It should end in a final scenario at the latest by the time of the End-cap meeting in September in Kosice. The E-mail distribution list is by no means complete. Please let us know who will be working on the project and should be put on the list. A detailed A g e n d a will be defined later. _____________________________________________________________________________