HEC Note-100
P. Schacht
October 18, 2000

Testbeam Analysis Meeting
CERN, 20.09.2000

Date : Wednesday, 20.09.2000
Place : CERN I, Bldg.40, Salle Curie
Time : 09:00 h - 13:00 h
Convenor : P. Schacht

Minutes of the meeting

Agenda :

1. New hadronic weighting scheme and application to FCAL module 0 data A. Savine 20 m
(presented by J. Rutherfoord)
2. Comparisons of FCAL-1 module 0 testbeam electron signals with Geant3 simulations P. Loch 20 m
3. Status of hec_adc software M. Lefebvre and C. Sbarra 10 m
(presented by M. Dobbs)
4. HEC: Electron and pion data analysis (August 1999 beam test) D. Fortin 20 m
(presented by M. Dobbs)
5. Analysis of June 2000 HEC testbeam data A. Minaenko 30 m
6. HEC: Preliminary results for energy resolution for the August 2000 testbeam B. Dowler 10 m
7. HEC: Analysis of June and August 2000 muon data M. Levitsky 20 m
(presented by A. Minaenko)
8. HEC: NIM paper (discussion) All