HEC Note-117

November 07, 2001


HEC / FCAL / Combined
Test-Beam Meeting

CERN, 09.10.2001

Date : Tuesday, 09.10.2001
Place : CERN I, Bld.40, Salle Curie
Time : 13:30 h - 17:00 h
Convenor : P. Schacht

Agenda :

1. HEC: First look at July 2001 data A. Minaenko 20 m
(presented by A. Kiryunin)
2. FCAL: Module 0 run 1998: Pion versus proton response J. Rutherfoord 10 m
(presented by P. Loch)
3. HEC: Status of hec_adc M. Lefebvre 15 m
4. HEC: Status of the ATHENA based HEC test-beam software N. Kanaya 10 m
5. EMEC/HEC Combined run: MC studies C. Benchouk 15 m

Minutes of the meeting and all contributions are available from the LARG week in October 2001 page.
Select "HEC/FCAL/Combined test-beam" meeting.