HEC Note-128

June 25, 2002


Hadronic End-Cap Calorimeter
General Meeting
CERN, 18.06.2002

Date : Tuesday, 18.06.2002
Place : CERN I, Bldg.40, Room 40-4-C01
Time : 9:00 h - 12:00 h
Convenor : P. Schacht

Agenda :

1. Introduction P. Schacht 20 m
  Action List    
  Wheel assembly schedule    
2. Status Reports    
  Dubna M. Kazarinov 10 m
  Lebedev A. Komar 10 m
  Protvino IHEP A. Moiseev 10 m
  Protvino ISTC S. Denisov 10 m
  MPI P. Schacht 10 m
  Canada M. Losty 10 m
3. Wheel Assembly    
  Mechanical aspects M. Vincter / R. Langstaff 15 m
  Electrical aspects W. Cwienk 15 m
  Discussion of re-torquing J. Soukup / P. Schacht 10 m
4. Temperature Probe Installation    
  Tasks and schedule of installation V. Kukhtin 15 m
5. Cold Tests    
CT16 (combined technical run), CT17 and CT18
A. Snesarev 15 m
6. A.o.B.    

All contributions are available from the CERN Document Server:
Page "HEC General Meeting, 18.06.2002"