Alignment Activities for ATLAS at MPI

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Alignment Activities for ATLAS at MPI

To provide a precise measurement of the muon tracks in the ATLAS muon spectrometer it is essential to know the relative position of the chambers along the track of the muon by a precision less than the intrinsic resolution of the chambers. Also it is necessary to know the chamber deformation (due to gravity) to extract the actual wire position. Therefor the relative position and the actual deformation of the chambers will monitored all the times by a sophisticated alignment system.

The chamber deformation is monitored by an optical in-plane alignmet system based on RASNIKs which can measure the relative movement of the cross plates, but is not sensitive to expansions along the wire axis.

The chamber position is in the barrel derived form a projective system (projective to the interaction point) for towers of ~2 chambers in the theer layer combined with an axial system for neighbouring chambers.

For the end caps a grid is used that consists of reference bars - alignment bars - connected to each other by azimuthal and polar monitors. The relative position of the chambers is reconstructed by monitoring the position of them wrt the alignment grid using BCAMs.
To get reliable results also the deformation of the alignment bars has to be taken into account. Therefor an optical in-bar system is implemented in the bar. At the moment a ste of 3-4 RASNIKs is used in this purpose. But also a system of 2 BCAMs looking at several light points in the bar might be possible und is under study.

In the design of the alignment bars the MPI is involved. Pictures are shown below.

Pictures on the alignment bars and the in-bar alignment system

deformation of H8 em_up bar under 0deg deformation of H8 em_up bar under 45deg (using finite
element methods) reconstruction accuracy of the bar using 3 BCAMs in
comparison to 3 RASNIKs
reconstruction accuracy of the bar using up to 18
BCAMs disgn of in-bar system using 3 RASNIKs (A.Schricker) disgn of in-bar system using 4 RASNIKs (A.Schricker)

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