Registration and General Schedule Information

The workshop starts on Sunday, 13 February 2005, at 15:00 and ends on Tuesday, 15 February, in the afternoon at about 16:00.

It takes place at the conference site of the Max-Planck Society at the Ringberg Castle in the bavarian alps (

Sessions on the 13th and 14th will be devoted to Calibration. Alignment sessions will be mainly on the 15th.

Arrrival at MPI (see for instructions) will be on 13 February morning.

A buffet lunch will be provided at MPI between 11:00 and 14:00 on the 13th before departure to the conference site.

There will be two buses from MPI to the castle, one at 12:00 and one at 14:00. The bus trip takes approximately one hour.

Departure from the castle will be on Tuesday, 15 February evening after the sessions and on Wednesday, 16 February morning with buses directly to Munich airport (1 hour 30 min.).

Dinner time is at 18:30, breakfast starts at 8:00.

Transportion for late arrivals and earlier departures can be arranged.

Accommodation will be in the castle for up to 40 people in single rooms. Additional accommodation can be arranged in the nearby town.

The full-board price at the castle is 90 EUR per day and person plus a small conference fee (to be announced later) which are to be payed in exact cash at the castle on the arrival day.

The meeting place has all conference equipment including internet access and wireless LAN (see

Please register with arrival and departure times and flight numbers until 21 January 2005 by e-mail to the conference secretary and the contact for further questions: .

Additional remarks

> Dear collegues,


> most of the participants of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Calibration &

> Alignment Workshop at Ringberg Castle in the bavarian alps from

> Sunday, 13 February, until Tuesday, 15 February 2005, have now registered.

> You find the list of participants (36 up to now), including arrival and

> departure times, on the workshop web page:



> Most participants will arrive at MPI on Sunday until noon. A bus will

> depart from MPI to the Ringberg Castle at about 13:30 taking almost all

> participants after the

> buffet lunch. People interested can get a short tour of the MPI MDT

> construction site.


> Since almost all participants intend to leave on Tuesday evening,

> the official end of the Workshop will be at 16:00 on Tuesday when a bus

> will depart

> from the castle directly to Munich airport in time to reach the earliest

> flight at 19:05 to Geneva.

> A second bus will leave after dinner to MPI at 20:00.

> For the few special cases, we have made special arrangements; people will

> be informed individually.


> The workshop fee has now been worked out . It will be 50 EUR in addition to

> the 90 EUR per night at the castle, i.e. the total cost per person is

> 230 EUR for Sunday through Tuesday and 140 EUR for the ones who

> stay one day less.

> Please bring the exact amount in cash (Euro) for the registration at the

> castle on Sunday, 15:00-16:00, since there is no possibility to accept

> credit cards or checks or to change money at the castle.

> People still interested to participate should register as soon as possible

> by sending e-mail to

> We still can accommodate a few.

> Please send your arrival and departure times as soon as possible if you

> have not yet done so! Please also send e-mail to

> until end of this week if you want vegetarian food. Bring warm clothes and

> good shoes because snow now and minus degrees are expected in the alps.

> Best regards,

> Hubert Kroha


Hubert Kroha

Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik

Foehringer Ring 6

D-80805 Muenchen

Tel.: +49 89 32354 435

Fax: +49 89 32354 305

Tel.(CERN): +41 22 767 1154


