Development of Muon Drift-Tube Detectors for High-Luminosity Upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider B. Bittner, O.Kortner, H.Kroha, F.Legger, R.Richter, A.Engl, R.Hertenberger, F.Rauscher Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Munich Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich The muon detectors of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have to cope with unprecedentedly high neutron and gamma ray background rates. In the very forward regions of the ATLAS muon spectrometer, for instance, counting rates of 1 kHz per square centimeter are reached at the LHC design luminosity. For high-luminosity upgrades of the LHC, up to 10 times higher background rates are expected which require replacement of the muon chambers in the critical detector regions. Tests at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility showed that drift-tube detectors with 15 mm diameter aluminum tubes operated with Ar:CO2 (93:7) gas at 3 bar and a maximum drift time of about 200 ns provide efficient and high-resolution muon tracking up to the highest expected rates. For 15 mm tube diameter, space charge effects deteriorating the spatial resolution of larger diameter tubes are strongly suppressed. The sense wires have to be positioned in the chamber with an accuracy of better than 50 micron in order to achieve a chamber resolution of about 50 micron. We report about the design, construction and test of a prototype chamber which fulfills these requirements.