%------------------------------------------------------------------- % Abstract IEEE NSS 2001 % % Contact: Hubert Kroha % Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik % Foehringer Ring 6 % D-80805 Muenchen % Tel.: +49 (89) 32354-435 % Fax: +49 (89) 32354-305 % Email: kroha@mppmu.mpg.de % --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Large-Scale Production and Test of the Precision Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer F.Bauer, W.Blum, S.Horvat, H.Kroha, A.Manz, R.Richter Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Foehringer Ring 6, D-80805 Munich, Germany O.Kortner, F.Rauscher, D.Schaile, A.Staude, R.Stroehmer, T.Trefzger Ludwig-Maximilians University, Schellingstrasse 4, D-80799 Munich, Germany G.A. Chelkov, D.V. Dedovitch, P.G. Evtoukhovitch, A.L. Gongadze, M.I. Gostkin, D.V. Khartchenko, I.N. Potrap, E.V. Rogalev, E.G. Tskhadadze and V.V. Zhuravlov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 141980 Moscow Region, Russia The muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will contain 1200 high-precision drift chambers with a position resolution of 40 micrometer covering an active area of 5500 m^2. The chambers consist of 3--4 layers of pressurized drift tubes on either side of a space frame carrying an optical monitoring system to measure deformations (Monitored Drift Tube chambers, MDT). We report about the serial production of the largest MDT chambers with 432 drift tubes and a width of 2.16 m. The positioning accuracy of the signal wires in several of these chambers has been measured with an X-ray scanning device at CERN to be better than the required 20 micrometer (rms). Each chamber is tested with cosmic rays in a tower consisting of three MDT chambers. In addition, tests with final readout electronics are performed in a muon beam at CERN.