HEC Note-089
P. Schacht

Testbeam Analysis Meeting
CERN, 09.12.1999

Date : Thursday, 09.12.1999
Place : CERN I, Bldg.40, Salle Curie
Time : 09:00 h - 13:00 h
Convenor : P. Schacht

Minutes of the meeting

Agenda :

0. Testbeam Running 2000 (no transparencies) D. Sauvage 10 m
1. hec_adc: Status and Planning M. Lefebvre 15 m
2. HEC: Performance of Testbeam Electronics (data 99) L. Kurchaninov 15 m
3. HEC: Status of Calibration (data 99) L. Kurchaninov 15 m
4. HEC: Data 99: Electron/Pion Results A. Minaenko 20 m
Presented version (presented by A. Kiryunin)
Full version
5. HEC: Data August 99: Muon Results M. Levitsky 15 m
(presented by A. Kiryunin)
6. HEC: Status of Analysis at Dubna V. Kukhtin 10 m
7. HEC: Testbeam 99 MC: Status A. Kiryunin 10 m
8. HEC: MC for Combined Run: First Results A. Kiryunin 10 m
9. HEC: GEANT 4 Simulation: Status D. Salihagic 10 m
10. HEC: Comparison of GEANT 4 / GEANT 3 Simulation R. Mazini 10 m
(not the final version)
11. HEC: NIM paper: next steps: Discussion 15 m