HEC Note-093

ATLAS EMEC / HEC Combined Run
Minutes of the General Meeting
CERN, 05.04.2000

Date : Wednesday, 05.04.2000
Place : CERN I, Bldg.40
Time : 9:00 h - 12:30 h / Room RD-10
: 14:00 h - 17:00 h / Room RB-10

Agenda :

1. Introduction H. Oberlack
2. Calorimeter setup
General overview P. Schacht
EMEC support structure and work package C. Olivier
3. HV connections H. Stenzel
4. Signal connections C. Benchouk
5. Frontend electronics P. Perrodo
6. DAQ systems
HEC system J. Huber
EM system P.-Y. Duval
7. Beam trigger L. Kurchaninov
8. Calibration steering P. Strizenec
(presented by L. Kurchaninov)
9. Slow controls (general discussion)
10. HEC data analysis frame C. Sbarra
11. MC simulation D. Salihagic
12. Summary: H. Oberlack
Task distribution
List of contacts
Tentative schedule:
Technical run March 2001
Testbeam runs August 2001
Spring 2002