HEC Note-099
November 28, 2000

Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter
Minutes of the General Meeting
CERN, 18.09.2000

Date : Monday, 18.09.2000
Place : CERN I, Bldg.40, Room R-D-10
Time : 14:00 h - 17:00 h
Convenor : H. Oberlack

Agenda :

1. Introduction H. Oberlack 10 m
Action items from previous meetings
2. Status reports of different labs:
Protvino IHEP A. Moiseev 10 m
Munich P. Schacht 10 m
Lebedev A. Komar 10 m
Canada TRIUMF C. Oram 10 m
Summary of module production H. Oberlack 5 m
3. Testbeam / Cold test
Summary of recent testbeam H. Stenzel 15 m
4. QA/QC issues
ATLAS quality assurance guidelines H. Schmuecker 45 m
- Postscript file (black-and-white)
- Power Point file (colour)
Remarks concerning documentation M. Aderholz 5 m
5. Influence of disconnected sub-gaps A. Kiryunin 10 m
(presented by P. Schacht)
6. Numerical reconstruction of ionization signal in HEC L. Kurchaninov 20 m
7. A.o.B