Monitored Drift Tube Chamber Assembly

Production summary

Nominal geometry: MDT parameter book
Geometry plots:
interlayer parameters , comparison with the LMU parameters / reconstructed wire positions
Geometry data: list of parameters , description / RASNIK zero readings
Praxial platform positions: from optical monitoring / from the mechanical tool
Database: MPI local / MPI global / QA distributions for tubes / hbook ntuple
Logbooks: observations during the chamber assembly (~mohrdiek/logbook/logbook.txt)

Tables: Excel table for MPI-LMU exchange of info

88 (+14 spare) of 1200 MDT chambers of the ATLAS muon spectrometer are assembled at the MPI production site. They are positioned in the outermost chamber layer of the spectrometer, thus the chamber name BOS (barrel outer small).

BOS chambers consist of 3 layers of drift tubes on each side of an aluminium support frame. Each layer consists of 40 to 72 tubes. The tube layer are glued succesively to the support frame. The chamber geometry and relative positions of tube layers are monitored during the chamber assembly using optical systems (the RASNIK system).

Pictures of the chamber assembly

spacer bos_assembly_6.jpg bos_assembly_8.jpg
gluing machine bos_assembly_15.jpg bos_assembly_18.jpg

Engineering drawings can be found on FTP-server .