HEC Note-084
P. Schacht

Testbeam Analysis Meeting
Marseille, 21.10.1999

Date : Thursday, 21.10.1999
Place : Marseille
Time : 11:00 h - 13:00 h
Convenor : P. Schacht

Minutes of the meeting

Agenda :

1. hec_adc: New/Update/Status of version 3.8 M. Lefebvre 15 m
2. Status of Calibration (August 99 data) E. Marschalkowski 15 m
3. Status of Calibration (data 99) P. Strizenec 15 m
(presented by P. Schacht)
4. HEC: Data August 99: Muon Results M. Dobbs 10 m
5. HEC: Data August 99: Muon Results M. Levitsky 10 m
(presented by M. Dobbs - see his talk)
6. HEC: Status Report on 99 Testbeam data Analysis D. Fortin 10 m
7. FCAL: Update on Testbeam 98 Results A. Savine 15 m
(presented by J. Rutherfoord)