HEC Note-079

Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter
Minutes of the General Meeting
CERN, 07.07.1999

Date : Wednesday, 7.7.1999
Place : CERN I, Bldg.40, Salle Bohr
Time : 9:00 h - 12:30 h
Convenor : H. Oberlack

Agenda :

0. Summary of meeting H. Oberlack
List of decisions and completed actions
List of open actions
1. Introduction H. Oberlack 20 m
LHCC milestones
EB milestone follow up
Cabling of HEC feedthroughs M. Lefebvre 5 m
2. Status reports of different labs:
Canada M. Wielers 15 m
Dubna M. Kazarinov 10 m
Lebedev A. Snesarev 10 m
Mainz R. Othegraven 10 m
Molniya and Protvino S. Denisov 15 m
Munich H. Oberlack 10 m
Summary of module production H. Oberlack 10 m
3. Testbeam
Observations from module assembly R. Langstaff 15 m
Module set-up and cabling M. Kazarinov 10 m
Electronics set-up and performance L. Kurchaninov 20 m
Run summary H. Oberlack 10 m
4. QA/QC issues
Acceptance test of modules at CERN P. Schacht 10 m
QC test failed: What to do? (no transparencies) H. Oberlack 10 m
HEC QC data base: First proposal (only part) M. Aderholz 15 m
5. A.o.B.