Talks, notes and publications
Talks, publications, theses

Notes, proceedings and publications are listed here.

Theses performed within the MDT group are listed here.

ATLAS talks given by the members of the group are listed here.

Publications, notes and proceedings
Muon Spectrometer
--- 2001 ---
F.Bauer et al.,
Construction and Test of MDT Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A461 (2001) 17-20 (pdf file)

F.Bauer et al.,
Construction and Test of the Precision Drift Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci., Vol.~48 (2001) 302--307 (pdf file)

--- 2002 ---
F.Bauer et al.,
The First Precision Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A478 (2002) 153-157 (pdf file)

F.Bauer et al.,
Large-Scale Production of Precision Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego 4-10 November 2001, MPP-2002-160 October 2002 (pdf file)

--- 2003 ----
S. Horvat et al.,
Precision Drift Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the Physics in Collision Conference 2003, Zeuthen, 26-28 June 2003, arXiv:physics/0308096, MPP-2003-284 (pdf file)

S.Mohrdieck-Möck, Precision Drift Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, Proceedings of the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Aachen, Germany, 17--23 July 2003, Eur.Phys.Journal C33 (2004) 422-424 (pdf file)

--- 2004 ---
M.Deile et al.,
Performance of the ATLAS Precision Muon Chambers under LHC Operating Conditions,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A518 (2004) 65-68 (ps file)

F.Bauer et al.,
Large-Scale Production of Monitored Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A518 (2004) 69-72 (pdf file)

M.Deile et al.,
Resolution and Efficiency of the ATLAS Muon Drift-Tube Chambers at High Background Rates,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A535 (2004) 212-215 (pdf file)

--- 2005 ---
J.Dubbert et al.,
Test, Integration and Commissioning of Monitored Drift-Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, July 21--27, 2005, MPP-2005-217 (pdf file)

Muon Identification and Reconstruction in the ATLAS Detector at LHC,
Proceedings of the 9th ICATPP Conference, Como, Italy 17-21 October 2005, MPP-2005-262 (pdf file)

J.Dubbert et al.,
Test, Integration, Commissioning and Installation of Large Drift-Tube Chambers of the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Puerto Rico, October 23--29, 2005, Vol.2, 1019 (2005), MPP-2005-218 (pdf file)

M.Groh et al.,
Dependence of the Space-to-Drift-Time-Relationship of Monitored Drift-Tube Chambers on the Magnetic Field in the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Puerto Rico, October 23-29, 2005, Vol.2, 796 (2005), MPP-2005-228 (pdf file)

--- 2006 ---

D. Rebuzzi et al.,
GEANT4 Muon Digitization in the ATHENA Framework,
Proceedings of the 2006 Computing in High Energy Physics Conference, Mumbai, India, 13-17 February 2006, MPP-2006-178 (ps file)

N.Ch.Benekos, L.Chevalier, J.-F. Laporte, M.Schott
Impacts of Misalignment on the Reconstructed Z-Boson Resonance at the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the 10th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-27 May 2006, MPP-2006-176 (pdf file)

S.Baranov et al.,
Muon Detector-Description as-built and its Simulation for the ATLAS Experiment,
Proceedings of the 10th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-27 May 2006, MPP-2006-170 (pdf file)

J.Dubbert et al.,
Integration, Commissioning and Installation of Monitored Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the 10th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-27 May 2006, MPP-2006-163 (pdf file)

J.Dubbert et al.,
Modelling of the Space-to-Drift-Time Relationship of the ATLAS Monitored Drift-Tube Chambers in the Presence of Magnetic Fields,
Proceedings of the 10th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-27 May 2006, MPP-2006-166 (pdf file)

N.Ch.Benekos, M.Schott,
Study of Z-Boson Measurements at the ATLAS Experiment,
Proceedings of the "Physics at LHC" conference, Cracow, Poland, 3-8 July 2006, MPP-2006-174 (pdf file)

N. Ch. Benekos, D. Rebuzzi,
GEANT4 simulation of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the 9th ICATPP Conference, Como, Italy, 17-21 October 2005, MPP-2005-263 (ps file)

J.Dubbert et al.,
Integration, Commissioning and Installation of Large Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, 10 October - 4 November, 2006, MPP-2006-164 (pdf file)

J.Dubbert et al.,
Final Evaluation of the Mechanical Precision of the ATLAS Muon Drift Tube Chambers,
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, 10 October - 4 November, 2006, MPP-2006-167

N.Ch.Benekos, L.Chevalier, J.-F. Laporte, M.Schott
Z-Boson Resonance as a Calibration and Alignment Process for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer,
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, 10 October - 4 November 2006, MPP-2006-173 (pdf file)

J.Dubbert et al.,
Study of ATLAS Monitored Drift-Tube Chambers in Magnetic Fields,

S.Horvat et al.,
Operation of the ATLAS Muon Drift-Tube Chambers at High Background Rates and in Magnetic Fields,
IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci., Vol.53, No.2 (2006) 562-566 (pdf file)

D.Primor, O.Kortner, G.Mikenberg, H.Messer,
A Novel Approach to Track Finding in a Drift Tube Detector,
October 2006, JINST 2 P01009, MPP-2006-251 (pdf file)
R.Sturrock et al.,
A Step Towards A Computing Grid For The LHC Experiments: ATLAS Data Challenge 1,
CERN Report, CERN-PH_EP-2004-028, MPP-2004-85 (pdf file)

The ATLAS DC Group,
ATLAS Data Challenge 2 : A massive Monte Carlo production on the GRID,
ATLAS Note ATL-SOFT-PUB-2005-001, MPP-2005-260 (pdf file)
ALMY sensors

W.Blum, H.Kroha, P.Widmann,
A Novel Laser Alignment System for Tracking Detectors Using Transparent Silicon Strip Sensors,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A367 (1995) 413 (ps file)

W.Blum, H.Kroha, P.Widmann,
Transparent Silicon Strip Sensors for the Optical Alignment of Particle Detector Systems,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A377 (1996) 404

W.Blum, H.Kroha, P.Widmann,
A novel laser-alignment system for tracking detectors using transparent silicon strip sensors,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.43, No.3 (1996) 1194 (pdf file)

Laser alignment system with transparent silicon strip sensors and its applications,
Nucl.Phys.B (Proc.Suppl.) 54B (1997) 80 (link)

F.Bauer et al.,
Performance of Semitransparent Silicon Strip Sensors for High Precision Optical Alignment Monitoring Systems,
IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci., Vol.48, No.3 (2001) 262 (ps file)

M.F.Garcia, S.Horvat, H.Kroha, A.Ostapchuk, S.Schael,
Semi-Transparent Silicon Strip Sensors for the Precision Alignment of Tracking Detectors,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A461 (2001) 213-215 (pdf file)

F.Bauer, V.Danielyan, S.Horvat, H.Kroha,
Studies of ALMY Semitransparent Amorphous Silicon Strip Sensors for Optical Position Monitoring Systems,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A504 (2002) 166-169 (pdf file)

F.Bauer, V.Danielyan, S.Horvat, H.Kroha,
Studies of Semitransparent Optoelectronic Position Sensors,
IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.4, No.3 (2004) 329, MPP-2002-153 (ps file)

L.Eglseer, S.Horvat, H.Kroha,
Long-Term Behaviour of the Sensitivity of the Amorphous Silicon Photo Detectors under Illumination,
Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A568 (2006) 18-21 (pdf file)

S. Horvat, ALMY laser system for the precision alignment of tracking detectors, Masters Thesis, Zagreb 2002 (gzipped ps file)

L. Eglseer, Untersuchung der Eigenschaften und des Langzeitverhaltens semitransparenter ortsempfindlicher Halbleitersensoren fuer Laserstrahlen, Diplomarbeit, Muenchen 2004 (MS-Word file)

S. Horvat, Study of the Higgs discovery potential in the process H->ZZ->4muons, PhD Thesis, Zagreb University, April 2005, MPP-2005-35 (pdf file)

M.Groh, Test von Driftrohrkammer fuer das Myonspektrometer des ATLAS-Detektors am Large Hadron Collider, Diploma Thesis, TUM Muenchen, January 2006, MPP-2006-4 (pdf file)

J.von Loeben, Test und Kalibrierung der Praezisionsdriftrohrkammern des ATLAS-Myonspektrometers, Diploma Thesis, TUM Muenchen, December 2006, MPP-2006-241 (pdf file)

J.Schmaler, Test and Alignment of the ATLAS Precision Muon Chambers, Diploma Thesis, TUM Muenchen, March 2007, MPP-2007-30 (pdf file)

Talks and Posters
H.Kroha: Status of the ATLAS experiment, Hard Collider Symposium, Stony Brook (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Das ATLAS Experiment am LHC und sein Physikprogramm, Bonn (transparencies)

H.Kroha: The ATLAS experiment at LHC, Zagreb (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Praezisionsmessungen der CP-Verletzung und die Suche nach dem Higgs-Boson -
Herausforderungen fuer die Experimente am LHC -
part I (1-22, ps.gz file), part II (23-32, ps.gz file), part III (33-42, ps.gz file)

H.Kroha: Construction and test of MDT precision drift chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer, Elba (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Semi-transperent silicon strip sensors for the precision alignment of tracking detectors, Elba (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Construction and test of MDT precision drift chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer, IEEE 2000 (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Produktion der Praezisionsdriftkammern fuer das ATLAS Myonspektrometer, DPG Tagung, Bonn (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Construction and test of MDT precision drift chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer, WCC (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Large-scale production and test of the precision drift tube chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer, IEEE 2001 (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Production and test of the precision drift tube chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer, DPG Tagung, Leipzig (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Test of ATLAS MDT chambers in a Muon Beam at CERN, DPG Tagung, Leipzig (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Novel semi-transparent optical position sensors for high-precision alignment monitoring applications, IEEE Sensors, Orlando (transparencies)

S.Horvat: MDT precision chambers in ATLAS muon spectrometer, LHC Days in Split (transparencies)

S.Horvat: ATLAS Experiment Project Review, Munich (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Herstellung und Qualitätskontrolle der Driftrohrkammern des ATLAS-Myonspektrometers, DPG Tagung, Aachen

O.Kortner: Hochratenverhalten von Driftrohren, DPG Tagung, Aachen (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Autokalibrationsverfahren zur Messung der Ortsauflösung von Driftrohren, DPG Tagung, Aachen (transparencies)

S.Mohrdieck: Test des Alignierungssystems des ATLAS-Myonspektrometers, DPG Tagung, Aachen (transparencies)

W.Stiller: Positionsüberwachung von ATLAS Myonkammern am Höhenstrahlungsmeßstand, DPG Tagung, Aachen

O.Kortner: Performance of the ATLAS Precision Muon Chambers under LHC Operating Conditions, Pisa Meeting on Adv. Det., Elba (transparencies)

S.Mohrdieck: Precision drift chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer, ICHEP, Amsterdam (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Status of MDT Production and Testing, ATLAS Overwiev Week, Prag (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Untersuchungen des Higgs-Zerfalls in 4 Myonen im ATLAS-Detektor, DPG Tagung, Mainz, 29.3-1.4.2004. (transparencies)

O.Kortner: Resolution and Efficiency of the ATLAS Muon Drift-Tube Chambers at High Background Rates, 10th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, Austria, 16.-21.2.2004.

O.Kortner: Verhalten der ATLAS-Myonkammern unter LHC-Bestrahlungsraten, DPG Tagung, Mainz, 29.3-1.4.2004. (transparencies)

S.Mohrdieck-Möck: Test des optischen Alignierungssystems des ATLAS Myonspektrometers, DPG Tagung, Mainz, 29.3-1.4.2004. (transparencies)

W.Stiller: Autokalibration der Driftrohrkammern des ATLAS Myonspektrometers bei hohen Untergrundraten, DPG Tagung, Mainz, 29.3-1.4.2004.

S.Horvat: The ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, Fachbeirat Projektbericht, Munich, MPI (transparencies)

N.Benekos: Prospects for Leptoquark Searches with ATLAS at LHC, "Physics at LHC" Conference, Vienna, Austria, 12-17.7.2004

O.Kortner: ATLAS Muon Drift-Tube Chamber Operation in Magnetic Fields and at High Background Rates, 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Rome, 16.-22.10.2004. (transparencies)

S.Horvat: The status of ATLAS construction, LHC Days in Split (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Standard Model Higgs searches at the LHC, Ringberg Young Scientistcs Workshop (transparencies)

J.Dubbert: Test and Calibration of Large Drift Tube Chambers, 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Rome, Italy, 16-22.10.2004. (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Die Suche nach dem Higgs Teilchen, Schuelertag der TUM, Munich, 3.2.2005.

M.Groh: Calibration Data from Cosmic Ray Tests, ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Calibration and Alignment Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 13-16.2.2005. (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Determination of the Single Drift Tube Resolution with Tracks, ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Calibration and Alignment Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 13-16.2.2005. (transparencies)

O.Kortner: Investigation of Background Rate Dependence of the r(t)-Relationship, ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Calibration and Alignment Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 13-16.2.2005.

O.Kortner: Performance of the Analytic Autocalibration Method, ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Calibration and Alignment Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 13-16.2.2005.

O.Kortner: MDT Operation with Reduced Dead Time, ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Calibration and Alignment Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 13-16.2.2005.

S.Kotov: Multiple Scattering Effects on Alignment with Straight Muon Tracks, ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Calibration and Alignment Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 13-16.2.2005. (transparencies)

H.Kroha: Measurement of the Alignment Platforms on Completed Barrel MDT Chambers, ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Calibration and Alignment Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 13-16.2.2005.

G.Dedes: Search for supersymmetric neutral Higgs bosons in the decay channel A/H->2\mu in the ATLAS detector, DPG Tagung, Berlin, 4.-9.3.2005. (transparencies)

J.Dubbert: Endabnahme von ATLAS-Myon-Driftrohrkammern am CERN, DPG Tagung, Berlin, 4.-9.3.2005. (transparencies)

M.Groh: Untersuchung des Ansprechverhaltens der ATLAS-Myonkammern, DPG Tagung, Berlin, 4.-9.3.2005. (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Untersuchungen des Higgs-Zerfalls in 4 Myonen im ATLAS-Detektor, DPG Tagung, Berlin, 4.-9.3.2005. (transparencies)

O.Kortner: Bestimmung der Orts-Driftzeit-Beziehung in den ATLAS-Myondriftrohrkammern, DPG Tagung, Berlin, 4.-9.3.2005. (transparencies)

O.Kortner: Spurrekonstruktion mit dem ATLAS-Myonspektrometer bei hohem Strahlungsuntergrund, DPG Tagung, Berlin, 4.-9.3.2005. (transparencies)

S.Kotov: Search for a light Higgs boson in the Decay H->bb with the ATLAS detector, DPG Tagung, Berlin, 4.-9.3.2005. (transparencies)

C.Valderanis: Magnetic field dependence of the response of the ATLAS muon drift-tube chambers, DPG Tagung, Berlin, 4.-9.3.2005.

S.Horvat: Study of the Long-Term Behaviour of the Sensitivity of Amorphous Silicon Photo Detectors Under Illumination, 10th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, 12.-16.6.2005. (poster)

J.Dubbert: Test, Integration and Commissioning of Monitored Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer, International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 21.-27.7.2005. (transparencies)

N.Benekos: Muon Identification and Reconstruction in the ATLAS Detector at LHC - Impact of the Initial Layout, 9th ICAPP Conference, Como, Italy, 17-21.10.2005.

N.Benekos: GEANT4 Simulation of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, 9th ICAPP Conference, Como, Italy, 17-21.10.2005.

M.Groh: Dependence of the Space-to-Drift-Time Relationship of Monitored Drift-Tube Chambers on the Magnetic Field in the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Puerto Rico, 23-29.10.2005. (poster)

M.Groh: Test, Integration and Commissioning of Monitored Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer, 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Puerto Rico, 23-29.10.2005. (transparencies)

N.Benekos: Muon System Detector Description and Simulation, ATLAS Software and Computing Workshop, LAL, Paris, France 7.12.2005.

S.Horvat: Study of the H->ZZ->4l Channel with the Full ATLAS Detector Simulation, LHC-D Higgs Workshop, Karlsruhe, 7.3.2006. (transparencies)

G.Dedes: Search for supersymmetric neutral Higgs bosons in the decay channel A/H->2\mu / 2\tau with the ATLAS detector, DPG Tagung, Dortmund, 28.-31.3.2006. (transparencies)

M.Groh: Untersuchung des Ansprechverhaltens der ATLAS Driftrohrkammern mit Hoehenstrahlung, DPG Tagung, Dortmund, 28-31.3.2006. (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Serienfertigung der Driftrohrkammern fuer das ATLAS-Myonspektrometer, DPG Tagung, Dortmund, 28-31.3.2006. (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Untersuchungen des Kanals H->ZZ->4l im ATLAS-Detektor mit vollstaendiger Detektorsimulation, DPG Tagung, Dortmund, 28-31.3.2006. (transparencies)

S.Kotov: Multivariate Analysis of H->bb in Associated Production with tt-Pair Using the Full ATLAS Detector Simulation, DPG Tagung, Dortmund, 28.-31.3.2006. (transparencies)

J.von Loeben: Integration, Installation und Inbetriebnahme der ATLAS-Myondriftrohrkammern am CERN, DPG Tagung, Dortmund, 28.-31.3.2006. (transparencies)

J.Yuan: Search for the Higgs boson in WH,H->bb decay channel with the ATLAS detector, DPG Tagung, Dortmund, 28.-31.3.2006. (transparencies)

C.Valderanis: Modelling of the Magnetic Field Dependence of the r-t Relationship of the ATLAS Muon Drift Tube Chambers, DPG Tagung, Dortmund, 28.-31.3.2006.

N.Benekos: Status report of the ATLAS Muon Detector Simulation, ATLAS Muon Software Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, 27.3-1.4.2006.

O.Kortner: Preparation of the Munich Muon Calibration Center, ATLAS Muon Software Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 27.3-1.4.2006.

S.Kotov: Alignment of ATLAS Barrel Muon Chambers with Tracks, ATLAS Muon Software Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 27.3-1.4.2006. (transparencies)

S.Kotov: Multivariate Analysis of H->bb in Associated Production with tt-Pair Using the Full ATLAS Detector Simulation, ATLAS-D Top Physics Workshop, MPI Munich, 19.5.2006. (transparencies)

N.Benekos: Muon Detector Description "as-built" and its Simulation for the ATLAS Experiment, 9th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-27.5.2006.

N.Benekos: Impacts of Misalignment on the Reconstructed Z-Boson Resonance at the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, 9th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-27.5.2006.

J.Dubbert: Integration, Commissioning and Installation of Monitored Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer, 9th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-27.5.2006. (poster)

O.Kortner: Modelling of the Space-To-Drift-Time Relationship of the ATLAS Monitored Drift-Tube Chambers in the Presence of Magnetic Fields, 9th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-27.5.2006.

O.Kortner: Muon Identification with ATLAS and CMS, Hadron Collider Conference 2006, Durham, 22-26.5.2006.

S.Kotov: Overview of ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Alignment, ATLAS Inner Detector Alignment Workshop, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 13.6.2006. (transparencies)

O.Kortner: Corrections to Drift-Time Measurements -- Summary and Plans, ATLAS Muon Chamber Calibration Workshop, Rome, Italy, 27.6.2006.

S.Kotov: Alignment of ATLAS Muon Chambers with Tracks, ATLAS Muon Chamber Calibration Workshop, Rome, Italy, 27.6.2006. (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Higgs Activities and Plans at MPI, ATLAS-D Workshop, Heidelberg, 21.-22.9.2006. (transparencies)

S.Kotov: Alignment of muon chambers with tracks, ATLAS-D Workshop, Heidelberg, 21.-22.9.2006. (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Higgs Searches with Leptons in ATLAS, "LHC Days in Split", Split, Croatia, 2.-7.10.2006. (transparencies)

N.Benekos: Z-Boson Resonance as a Calibration and Alignment Process for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, 29.10 - 4.11.2006.

J.Dubbert: Integration, Commissioning and Installation of Monitored Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer, 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, 29.10.-4.11.2006. (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Final Evaluation of the Mechanical Precision of the ATLAS Muon Drift Tube Chambers, 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, 29.10.-4.11.2006 (transparencies)

S.Horvat: Higgs Activities and Plans at MPI, ATLAS-D Higgs Workshop, MPI Munich, 28.-29.11.2006. (transparencies)

J.Dubbert: First Experience with the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, 19-23.02.2007. (transparencies)

O.Kortner: Alignment of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer and Muon Identification at High Luminosities, Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, 19-23.02.2007. (transparencies)

G.Dedes: Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons in the decay channel A/H->tautau with the ATLAS detector, DPG Tagung, Heidelberg, 06-09.03.2007. (transparencies)

J.Dubbert: The ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, DPG Tagung, Heidelberg, 06-09.03.2007. (transparencies)

M.Groh: Suche nach dem Higgsboson im Kanal pp->qqH, H->tautau mit dem ATLAS-Detektor, DPG Tagung, Heidelberg, 06-09.03.2007. (transparencies)

O.Kortner: Kalibrierung und Alignierung des ATLAS-Myonspektrometers, DPG Tagung, Heidelberg, 06-09.03.2007. (transparencies)

O.Kortner: Validation of Garfield with Test-Beam Data of ATLAS Muon Drift-Tube Chambers in Magnetic Fields, DPG Tagung, Heidelberg, 06-09.03.2007. (transparencies)

J.Schmaler: Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Alignierung des ATLAS-Myonspektrometers mit Spuren, DPG Tagung, Heidelberg, 06-09.03.2007. (transparencies)

J.von Loeben: Test einer effizienten Methode zur Autokalibration der Orts-Driftzeit-Beziehung der ATLAS-Myon-Driftrohrkammern, DPG Tagung, Heidelberg, 06-09.03.2007. (transparencies)

J.Yuan: Search for Higgs boson in VBF H->bb decay channel with the ATLAS detector, DPG Tagung, Heidelberg, 06-09.03.2007. (transparencies)

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Last modified on January 26th, 2008